Product Type 2: Disinfectants and algaecides not intended for direct application to humans or animals

Product Type 2: Disinfectants and algaecides not intended for direct application to humans or animals

Application areas

The product type includes products used for disinfection of air, surfaces, materials, equipment and furniture that are not used for direct food or feed contact in private, public and industrial areas including hospitals, as well as products used as algaecides.

The product type covers a range of applications, including disinfectants for:

• Custom fields

Disinfectants for private areas primarily include chlorine-containing products for bleaching, surface disinfection and automatic dishwashing, as well as disinfectants for toilets.

• Professional cleaning and industrial areas

Professional and industrial use in this context includes industry, institutions, the primary health care sector and the hospital sector. The primary health care sector is defined here as general practitioners (medical and dental clinics), nursing homes and similar institutions. Disinfectants for professional and industrial use include products for disinfecting surfaces such as floors and walls, as well as larger pieces of portable equipment and furniture.

• Medical supplies

Multi-purpose disinfectants or sterilizing agents are within the scope of this product group. Chemical disinfectants are mainly used to disinfect heat-sensitive equipment.

• Laundries

Laundry disinfectants can be used for laundry in the primary and secondary healthcare sector, hotels, nursing homes and other areas where disinfection is required.

• Air conditioning systems

Biocides can be applied to air conditioning systems to protect the coolant or to disinfect the system. The disinfectants used for the systems are the same as the agents used to protect the liquids, and the application area description is included in the product type 11 description.

• Chemical toilets

For chemical toilets, disinfectants are added to clean and control possible bacterial growth. Chemical toilets are typically mobile and are often found on boats, buses and campers that do not have a connection to the sewer system.

• Swimming pools

Pool water is disinfected with biocides to keep the number of microorganisms low and thus protect swimmers from getting sick.

• Waste water and hospital waste

You can apply to us for the "Type 2 Biocidal Products Testing" for cosmetic products.
