
Determination of Glutaraldehyde in Biocidal Products

Determination of Glutaraldehyde in Biocidal Products

Glutaraldehyde, which is used as a biocide in the hospital environment, is also used in industrial and agricultural areas. Because glutaraldehyde is a volatile substance, it can irritate the skin, eyes, nose and lungs. For this reason, the form and rate of use are important. Glutaraldehyde used must pass the concentration determination, performance determination and toxicity tests.

Gluteraldehyde is a substance that is active in both basic and acidic environments, approved for use in biocidal products, and has a sterilizing effect. Although it has a strong sterilizing effect, the use of glutaraldehyde more than 2% is harmful. It has a moderately toxic and irritating effect. Glutaraldehyde Determination is important for the determination of its performance and amount in biocidal products.

The presence of glutaraldehyde in biocidal products used for sterilization is important. Gluteraldehyde Determination is carried out in order to prevent it from being harmful if both its effect and amount are high.

For the determination of glutaraldehyde in biocidal products, you can contact Nanolab Biocidal Analysis Laboratory.