Stability Testing of Cosmetic Products
What is Stability Test? Why is Stability Test Performed in Cosmetic Products? How Does the Process of Stability Test Proceed?Stability is defined as "resilience, stability". "Stability Test", which is one of the analyzes performed in cosmetic products, is the process of evaluating the physical, chemical and microbiological condition of the product, especially during the shelf life of the product and after the package has been opened.
With the stability test in cosmetic products, the conformity of cosmetic products can be determined depending on the "Guideline on the Stability of Cosmetic Products and the Usage Period after Opening" and other relevant regulations and standards. Stability testing in cosmetic products is carried out by two different methods, taking into account the product characteristics.
- Accelerated Stability Test
- Long Term Stability Test
Stability Testing of Cosmetic Products is carried out safely in the accredited and authorized Nanolab Cosmetics Laboratory.